Baked Eggs Benedict ....

12:38 Happiness Is Contagious People 0 Comments

Breakfast to me is always the time when your taste buds are ready for a treat , new flavors and also good old fashion favourites.

Today I am taking the old favourite of eggs Benedict and giving a yummy new twist by baking this yummy treat in one dish, allowing the fabulous salty smoked flavors of the bacon to permeate and infuse the eggs. This add a richer and fuller bodied flavour to a firm favourites.

Preparation  & Cooking time : 45 minutes
Serves : 4
Difficulty : 2/10

You will need:

 For the eggs :
4 ramekins / mini tart dishes
8 large eggs
1 pack streaky bacon / 8 strips streaky bacon
1 pinch salt flakes / rock salt

For the Hollandaise Sauce :
3 large eggs
Juice of 1 lemon ( approximately 25ml)
50ml olive oil
Salt to taste

Method: (see below for pictorial)

For the eggs:
  • Heat the oven to 180 degrees celsius
  • Line each of the ramekins sides with 2 rashers of streaky bacon placed to form a circular shape on the outer edges . 
  • Crack into each ramekin dish two large eggs
  • Sprinkle each ramekin with a Pinckney of salt flakes ( be careful not to over season as the bacon is already salty)
  • Bake for 30 minutes on 180 'c
Whilst the eggs are baking you are going to prepare the Hollandaise sauce ...

For the Hollandaise Sauce :
  • In a glass bowl/ jug add the olive oil , lemon juice ( you can grate a little lemon zest if you wish), a sprinkle of salt flakes. Seep rate the remaining 3 eggs and add only the egg yolks to the olive oil mixture.
  • Whisk all these ingredients together. ( the acid of the lemons will actually ' cook ' the egg yolks, however if you prefer you can have. Double boiler ready and pour this mix into a bowl over the double boiler and mix constantly to avoid the egg from cooking to quickly and congealing.
Remove the eggs from the oven, place the ramekin onto a side plate and drizzle with the Hollandaise sauce. You can embellish and decorate with herbs and spices.

** cooks note - I personally like to add  Hollandaise sauce onto the eggs but not over do it. I then drizzle the side plate and any left over sauce I put in a cute little jug onto the breakfast table.