21:31 Happiness Is Contagious People 0 Comments

There is always the chance that you have forgotten to get a Valentine for your loved one , well in my case I currently don't have a 'special person' but I do have many single friends.

This year I decided to make these fun 'HOT CHOCOLATE DIPPERS' and call them a 'hug in a spoon' after all nothing comforts a lonely heart quite like chocolate ...right?
Now thanks to this cute little numbers I can either offer my friends some comfort in a mug at my place or alternatively give them a hug to go ... cute hey!

They are super easy and here is what you will need:
- 1 x 500gr slab dark cooking/coaters chocolate
   (this has a higher melting point than normal chocolate)
- 1 x 200 gr white cooking/coaters chocolate
- 6 x disposable spoons (wooden or decorative plastic)
- 1 x mini muffin pan
- 1 sauce pan/pot
- 2 x glass bowls that can fit ontop of pot
- 2 x wooden spoons
* whatever you choose to pack them in

- Put your pot on the stove with a little water and place on high , turning down as it begings to boil and let it simmer.
- Place the first glass bowl on top of the pot , break the white chocolate into the bowl and using the wooden spoon stir contiunuously as the chocolate melts ( do not leave this unattended the chocolate will burn).
- Once completely melted pour a little into the bottom of each of the 6 mini muffin moulds and leave to strat settting
- place the secong glass bowl on the pot over the simmering water , break in the dark chocolate and melt completely whilst stirring in rapidly.
- leave the dark chocolate to cool slightly
- pour the dark chocolate over the white chocolate and leave to set slightly
- as the chocolate starts to set , push the spoons into the two layers of chocolate , the white chocolate which has almost set should keep the spoons standing straight up.
- place in the fridge for 10 mins , remove and pull out your fabulous and yummy chocolate spoons ....or better known as a 'hug in a spoon'

Serve alongside a warm mug of milk , the spoon gets dunked in and slowly the chocolate melts ... you can then stir it all together using the spoon ...fabulous!
Hmmmm chocolate..... comforting goodness!

As a gift:
Place a spoon into a cellophane bag , pull together and tie with a gorgeous ribbon.

** Notes: I found my chocolate at Checkers Hyper for approx R16/slab and the spoons were in the party section at R12.95